A look back at the afternoon of work-study student integration at cegedim.cloud!
For the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, a meeting dedicated to the 11 new alternating students was organized to promote cohesion.
For the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, a meeting dedicated to the 11 new alternating students was organized to promote cohesion.
As part of Responsible Digital Week, we share with you the concrete actions we’ve taken!
Cegedim.cloud is proud to have been supporting Kinéis in its development for the past three and a half years. June 18th will mark a historic moment with the launch of the first 5 satellites.
Frederic Le Guillou, Director of cegedim.cloud, had the honor of presenting the first prize to the winners!
cegedim.cloud is proud to sponsor the second edition of Fila’Talents, the national SER competition for students and recent graduates!
Our new public documentation space academy.cegedim.cloud is online!