Social and Environmental Responsibility places the environmental and human impact of its activities at the heart of its responsibilities.

An active HR policy
- Human-sized teams focused on communication, skills transmission and experience sharing.
- Close management that promotes effective decision-making while encouraging employee autonomy.
- A high-level technological environment, in the context of innovative and varied projects.
- Regular evaluation of collaborators, training and development opportunities allowing for the enrichment of skills and access to new responsibilities.
- Integration of work-study students and VIE for an increase in skills and a potential evolution within the company.

Honesty and integrity
Cegedim conducts all of its activities with honesty and integrity, in accordance with the most rigorous ethical standards.
«”The ethical commitment of everyone is necessary to ensure sustainable growth and harmonious development,”
says Jean-Claude Labrune, Chairman and CEO of the Cegedim Group adheres to the Group’s Ethics Charter. In particular, Cegedim is committed to respecting the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the principles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization.
The Ethics Charter reaffirms the ethical commitment and takes into account the new laws and regulations on business conduct.
GDPR respects and enforces the General Data Protection Regulation.
Responsible Purchasing Charter strives to conduct its activities in a way that contributes to a more sustainable future, in compliance with laws and regulations. In order to best reflect its environmental, social, societal and ethical vigilance, the Group has adopted a Responsible Purchasing Charter that lists and describes the minimum standards to which Cegedim adheres and that it expects in return from its business partners, regardless of their rank. These are based on internationally recognized treaties and agreements: principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, conventions of the International Labor Organization, the Rights of the Child and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.

A responsible, sustainable and innovative digital offering, a critical digital services operator, is working to build a responsible, sustainable and innovative digital offering, which is the pillar of its CSR strategy. has its own data centers, with all the latitude to reduce its social and environmental impacts. The implementation and urbanization of data centers use known concepts and techniques to improve their energy performance.
On sites the following are implemented, among others:
- Improved airflow with cold/hot aisle containment in the data center
- Free cooling / adiabatic air conditioning in our Toulouse datacenter
- Heat recovery to heat offices in cold season in two data centers
All of our data centers are powered by a 100% renewable electricity contract.‘s energy policy continues to evolve and the next steps have already been defined:
- Awarded ISO 50001 certification, focused on improving energy management
- Planned 14001 certification for environmental management
- Setting quantified annual targets for reducing our environmental footprint:
- Restitution of the carbon footprint by global service and raising customers’ awareness to act on the carbon footprint thanks to the transition to a model of consumption of services by use.
- In compliance with local laws and regulations, the Cegedim Group has implemented global and local initiatives to reduce its impact on the environment:
- Preferential purchase of recycled and recyclable products;
- The optimization of the life cycle of manufactured products by managing the end of life of certain products (paper, cardboard, computer equipment, cartridges, etc.) and the use of social and solidarity-based companies;
- Reduction in the number of team trips thanks to remote communication tools and the implementation of regular remote working with an average of two days per week for collaborators who request it.
Short-term environmental strategy
The Toulouse site is currently being renovated, in particular its roof, which will be equipped with a photovoltaic farm whose production will be entirely self-consumed by the Datacenter.
This project is a marker of the environmental policy, by reducing the carbon footprint of this site. is supported by an expert in carrying out an energy audit of its data centers. The objective of this audit is multiple:
- Validate its practices in this area and define areas for improvement in the management and urbanization of our data centers in relation to their security and energy efficiency;
- Seize the opportunity to replace end-of-life equipment such as air coolers and recyclers to improve their energy efficiency;
- Validate the calculations of the energy performance indicators of our datacenters by a third party company in order to make them public.
ISO 14001 certification is also a planned objective, the integration of which into our SMI will coincide with the production start-up of our latest datacenters.
Its design incorporates 3 major requirements: a PUE of less than 1.2, while being certified TIER IV by the UPTIME INSTITUTE, and a ranking among the most eco-responsible datacenters in France.
Hardwares strategy
The servers are maintained in production as long as they are compatible with operating systems or hypervisors supported by their publishers, mainly to benefit from security updates.
Older generations of servers are still used either in production, or as spare parts for maintenance, or for disaster recovery.
In 2021, all the servers were reused and therefore not recycled. The equipments concerned were sold to organizations or schools in need, to third-party maintainers and, as a last resort, to the WEEE channel after reformatting and overwriting the data. In 2021, 100% of the servers have been reused.
The average age of the servers operated by is 3.92 years.
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