France’s Centrale d’Achat de l’Informatique Hospitalière (CAIH) hospital IT purchasing centre has chosen SCC France as a first-tier player in implementing and managing a Public Cloud for its members.

This new contract will enable French healthcare establishments to deploy business environments and applications in total safety on Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS platforms.

SCC has thus partnered with to provide CAIH and its members with comprehensive expertise in the health sector ; and recognised skills in the distribution and production of high-value managed services.

The cegedim . cloud and SCC France teams will be enthusiastic supporters of members’ IS departments in terms of technological innovation and incubation – while at the same time meeting budgetary constraints and managing future developments for the application portfolio.

This new HDS (health data hosting) Public Cloud market is a testimony to’s ability to support its customers in digital transformation (migration to the Cloud, devops/continuous integration, finops/cost control, etc.).