cegedim.cloud invites you to the DevOps Tech Tour Occitanie 2023!

The DevOps Tech Tour is your chance to meet the region’s DevOps offering, sovereign and responsible in the face of GAFAM.

DevOps is the name given to modern digital development activities that :

  • starts with source hosting (such as GitLab),
  • automates the integration of sources from different developers (Continuous Integration),
  • automates deployment to test or production servers (Continuous Delivery),
  • enables service operation (infrastructure as code, Docker containers, Kubernetes orchestration).

Do you operate an Internet platform, e-commerce site or mobile application? This is the event for you!

Attend presentations by several regional digital development companies, then come and meet us in 1to1 B2B meetings.

The DevOps Tech Tour Occitanie will be present in: