Managed Databases

Thanks to Managed Databases, you can autonomously deploy different types of optimized, production-ready database engines quickly, automatically and securely.


PostgreSQL is a powerful open source object-relational database engine whose active development over more than 30 years has earned it a solid reputation for reliability, robust functionality and performance. PostgreSQL offers transactions with ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, auto-updating views, materialized views, triggers, foreign keys and stored procedures.

It is an engine designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or web services with many concurrent users.

PostgreSQL is available on-premises in datacenters and can be deployed in single instance or in high availability (secondary replica on remote campus for failover with automatic failover) to achieve high resilience requirements.

Offered as a managed service, ensures the deployment of instances, maintenance in operational condition, flexibility, security, backup and monitoring of the solution.

You configure your instances according to your needs:

  • From 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM to 16 vCPU / 384 GB RAM
  • Security of exchanges via TLS/SSL can be activated at deployment (available for the latest versions of PostgreSQL)
  • Data security with multi-site storage replication for disaster recovery


Deployment of self-service instances from ITCare

Very high performance

Latest generation servers, high-frequency processors, 10 Gbps network, full flash storage


Supervision, incident resolution, request management, backup and recovery


MariaDB Server is one of the most popular open source relational databases. Originally created by the original developers of MySQL, it guarantees its open source status.

MariaDB is based on the values of performance, stability and openness. It is mainly used as a transactional database or data warehouse.

MariaDB is available on-premise in datacenters and can be deployed as a single instance or as a distributed Galera cluster (3 active/active nodes distributed over different availability zones) to achieve high resilience requirements.

Offered as a managed service, ensures the deployment of instances, maintenance in operational condition, flexibility, security, backup and monitoring of the solution.

You configure your instances according to your needs:

  • From 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM to 16 vCPU / 384 GB RAM
  • Data security with multi-site storage replication for disaster recovery


Deployment of self-service instances from ITCare

Very high performance

Latest generation servers, high-frequency processors, 10 Gbps network, full flash storage


Supervision, incident resolution, request management, backup and recovery


OpenSearch is a scalable, flexible and extensible open-source software suite for search, analysis and observability applications under the Apache 2.0 license. OpenSearch includes a data store and search engine, a visualization and user interface, and a library of plugins that you can use to customize your tools.

Powered by Apache Lucene and led by the OpenSearch project community, OpenSearch provides a set of vendor-independent tools you can use to build secure, high-performance, cost-effective applications. Capture, store and analyze your business, operational and security data from a variety of sources.

OpenSearch is available on-premise in datacenters and can be deployed in distributed cluster (3 or more nodes in an odd number distributed over different availability zones).

Offered as a managed service, ensures the deployment of the instances, the maintenance in operational condition, the security, the backup and the monitoring of the solution.

You configure your instances according to your needs:

  • From 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM to 16 vCPU / 384 GB RAM
  • Data security with multi-site storage replication for disaster recovery


Deployment of self-service instances from ITCare

Very high performance

Latest generation servers, high-frequency processors, 10 Gbps network, full flash storage


Supervision, incident resolution, request management, backup and recovery


Redis™ (REmote DIctionnary Server) is an open source, extensible, very high performance, key-value database management system developed in C and distributed under the BSD-3 license. It is part of the NoSQL movement and aims to provide the highest possible performance by using, for example, RAM as the main storage system by default. Redis is available on-premise in datacenters and can be deployed as a single instance or in a Sentinel-supported cluster (3 nodes distributed over different availability zones) to achieve high resilience requirements. The following persistence options are available in cluster topology:

  • RDB (Redis Database)
  • AOF (Append Only File)

These two options can be combined to provide minimal data loss and quick service recovery upon reboot. Offered as a managed service, ensures the deployment of the instances, the maintenance in operational condition, the security, the backup and the monitoring of the solution. You configure your instances according to your needs:

  • From 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM to 16 vCPU / 384 GB RAM
  • Security of exchanges via TLS/SSL can be activated at deployment
  • Data security with multi-site storage replication for disaster recovery


Deployment of self-service instances from ITCare

Very high performance

Latest generation servers, high-frequency processors, 10 Gbps network, full flash storage


Supervision, incident resolution, request management, backup and recovery

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server, also called “SQL Server” or sometimes simply “MSSQL”, is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.

SQL Server is distinguished by the fact that it is a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) originally multibase and multi-schema.

Add-ons are available to extend its native functionality:

  • SSIS : Integration Services
  • SSAS : Analytics Services
  • SSRS : Reporting Services

SQL Server is available on-premises in datacenters in Standard or Enterprise edition and can be deployed in single instance or in Always On cluster. (nodes distributed over different availability zones) to achieve high resiliency requirements. ffered as a managed service, ensures the deployment of instances, maintenance in operational condition, flexibility, security, backup and monitoring of the solution. You configure your instances according to your needs:

  • From 2 vCPU / 8 GB RAM to 16 vCPU / 384 GB RAM
  • Data security with multi-site storage replication for disaster recovery


Deployment of self-service instances from ITCare

Very high performance

Latest generation servers, high-frequency processors, 10 Gbps network, full flash storage


Supervision, incident resolution, request management, backup and recovery

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